How To Get The Most Money For Your Harley-Davidson
Out of all the motorcycles in the world – Harley-Davidson models are guaranteed to get you the money back that you paid all those years ago. Statistics show, that in since January 2018, to now – there has been 5,132 Harley Davidsons sold in the UK alone. That’s a pretty big amount for the little kingdom that we are.

You may be wondering, ‘how did the owners get their money back?’ Well, We Buy Any Bike are here today to give you a guide on exactly how to get a hefty price for your Harley Davidson!
Decide Which Way to Go for Money!
In this day and age, there are plenty of ways to sell pretty much anything that crosses your mind – even motorbikes! A common one is the Facebook Marketplace – a simple way to sell, with a wide audience – pretty much every man and his dog are on Facebook these days! The cons are, however – just that! The audience is big and you don’t know who will turn up to kick your tyres and haggle a bargain out of you.
Another way is a completely different route – no internet.
Another way is to sell to a bike trader!

Go for a Test Ride
Pick up a notebook, or use the notes on your phone. Find a quiet route in your area, and take your pride and joy for a spin. Make sure you pick a quiet time of day when there are no distractions. This will eliminate any pesky noises that your ear might pick up when they’re supposed to be listening to the mechanics of your motor! If your ears do pick anything up, you can then pull over and jot down any pointers in your notebook.
Checking the Mechanics
So, you’re back in the garage with your toolbox in hand. If you are a mechanic, at all, you’ll know exactly what to fix – if not, here are some simple maintenance techniques you can feast your eyes on! It is also really important for you, that when you sell your Harley, you can get the best in your money. With this in mind, your best bet would be to head on over to a garage to get a second opinion.
When you return to your garage, it’s worth servicing your bike too – checking:
- Oil Filter
- Brakes
- Tyres & Wheel Alignment
- Engine Coolant
- As well as all the electronics and bulbs on your bike – Mirrors, Paintwork etc.
Wash your Wheels Away
Well, not literally. To get the best value for any bike, you want to give it a good clean. This will point out any nasty scratches, bumps, and bruises that your bike might have. Whilst we’re on the topic of cleaning, here is a little infographic we’ve created on 5 simple steps to cleaning your Harley-Davidson! Please note - before you start, make sure to remove any jewellery, belts, or anything that may cause scratches on your

Here is a printable shopping list of all products mentioned:
Time to Sell!

Once you have completed these steps, you’re ready to treat your pride and joy to one last little photo shoot, in preparation for advertising! In case you didn’t know, We Buy Any Bike statistically offer the most for Harley Davidsons in the whole of the UK! Get your quick quote today or email that little photo shoot you did, to – our team will then be in touch!

20 Feb 2019
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