15 World's Most Famous Motorbikes
It goes without saying that an action movie; is not an action movie without famous motorbikes! Bikes add that extra level of thrill, excitement, and freedom to a movie, giving the rider a complete sense of power, and making it a bit more exciting for the actor too!
The team here at bike trader, WeBuyAnyBike love a good action movie, there is a lot of competition out there in the Hollywood world. That being said, in no particular order, we've come up with a list of our favourite Blockbuster action movies featuring some of the worlds most famous Motorbikes!
15. Quantum of Solace (2008)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7UD4qSHu_w[/embed]This classic 007 movie features Mr Bond, played by Daniel Craig, riding a heavily modified beauty, that is the Montesa Cota 4RT. The origin of the bike itself tracks us back to a Honda manufacturer in Spain. Prior to its modification, this 007 icon; was the superstar that took the world champion, Dougie Lampkin, to win all of his tournaments!
At some point in 2014, Craig was spotted snooping around the Ducati Triumph showroom in New York, however, he must have left the premises without a bike, because this is the last we heard! With that being said, we don't think he owns a bike today.
14. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOVgTjeg4fY[/embed]In this, Matt Damon plays the role of Jason Bourne. In the film we see Bourne hotwire a Honda Cota 4RT. Yes, it's the same model (possibly the same bike?) as Mr Bond's, the only difference is, that it's in white! In addition, to fit with the action style in the film, and to make it look like the bike has been through the wars. This particular bike has had a vintage gas tank added to it, just to add a little finishing touch.
Whilst he seems a fairly decent biker as Mr Bourne, we still don't know if Damon has a love for riding to this day.
13. Salt (2009)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTGRsKLqkGM[/embed]This movie tells the tale of Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie), a CIA agent, again... action movie told you there'd be a few! Anyway, long story short, there's some detectives chasing her. Whilst she's on her escape mission she encounters some poor biker; she proceeds to steal his motorbike, which is a 2009 Triumph Street Triple R, this gets her up to some speed with its 675cc engine. After a few attempts, Ms Jolie in fact succeeded in doing all the stunts herself; including jumping across moving lorries. She also did the bike-jack itself!
A few years ago, her then-husband Brad Pitt bought her a bike and taught her how to ride it, however, it is unknown whether or not that hobby continues today.
12. The Great Escape (1963)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaFBFmJG-LI[/embed]Now it's time for a classic! The Great Escape is based on the true events of WWII, telling the tale of Steve McQueen who challenges himself to escape the German military & end up in Switzerland, instead of Switzerland however, he end's up entangled in barbed wire instead. In the movie, we see the classic jump by Steve McQueen and his iconic Triumph TR6. The bike itself was remodelled to look like a BMW R75 by his stunt double in the film; Bud Ekins.
It goes without saying that throughout his life, McQueen's life was built around bikes, bringing his own name into a whole range of famous motorbikes. His entire collection of bikes was ever growing for many years. Following his death in 1980, his found treasures were rumoured to be gifted to friends, the rest were sold at auction in '84.
11. The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKnBURvKW4I[/embed]Based on a true story, Sir Anthony Hopkins portrays the role of Burt Monro. At the age of 68, Monro; a racer from New Zealand, set various speed records, one of which is yet to be broken. To replicate the original bike, they actually used 2 bikes in the movie which were extensively modified, as you can see; one is a 1920 Indian Stout, and the other, and Ducati, for the speed scenes.
In an article, Sir Hopkins claimed that he has never owned a motorbike.
10. Robocop (2014)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2PjwvXEWOE[/embed]In the original 1987 film, we see Peter Weller briefly hop on a bike, but his main method of transport is by car, of which he has a few! In 2014, director, José Padilha introduces us to this futuristic remake of the original starring actor, Joel Kinnaman.
Returning to the police force after an accident, Kinnaman is not only welcomed to a new suit of robotic armour but a bike as well! The famous motorbikes in question are the Kawasaki 1000, now if you've watched the film, you might not recognize it. That's because the film is set in 2028; they remodelled the original to adapt it to what they thought would be the future, and who knows? They could be right!
Not only did they modify the bike by stretching it and levering it in places, but they also altered the exhaust, and hit it, making the natural noise sound quite... unnatural.
9. The Matrix: Reloaded (2003)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF9AC2Ce2ow[/embed]Now it wouldn't be right to write this post without mentioning the mighty Matrix. Featuring a 2001 Ducati 996, the film shows us Trinity, played by Carrie-Anne Moss who we see the weave in and out of the highway traffic on the bike she stole and rode from a lorry! This film is known for being one of the longest action-packed, stunt-filled shots in the history of Hollywood.
It appears that Carrie-Anne's riding was just for the film, she doesn't own a bike!
8. The Wild One (1953)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwB_Mrnwr_8[/embed]Be-known to some, this film, was actually banned from U.K. screens when it first came out, and that ban lasted an astonishing 14 years. Why... you ask? The 50's was a tender time, critics weren't fond of violence, or anything out of the ordinary, and so many films within this genre were soon scrapped from the screen. The bike presented in this film was the Triumph Thunderbird 650cc, which was actually actor Marlon Brando's personal bike!
7. Wild Hogs (2007)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7J3pitFCqI[/embed]This adventure-comedy features a few famous motorbikes because it's focused on a few people! Wild Hogs tells the story of a group of 4 friends who decide to go on a spontaneous adventure on their motorbikes. This movie features some iconic actors, such as John Travolta (Woody), Tim Allen (Doug), Martin Lawrence (Bobby), and William H. Macy (Dudley); and here are the bikes they ride:
- FLSTFSE Screamin' Eagle Fat Boy for Woody
- A Black Fat Boy with a chrome front wheel for Doug
- FXSTS Springer Soft Tail for Bobby
- XL1200C Sportster Custom for Dudley
Who owns a bike today?!
We know that Travolta has always had a love for biking, but it is said that his heart lies in the sky with planes! On the other hand, Tim Allen makes up for that. Allen is a big biker, with his current ride being the Brawler GT-R performance cruiser.
Along with Allen, Macy found his born-again love for biking through the film. When Macy was in college, it is said that he enjoyed plodding about on his scooter, just to get him from A to B. Between his college days and filming, we don't know what happened. After the film, however, William found his passion again when he was introduced to larger cruisers. It is said that he did struggle in riding them at first, but once he got the hang of it, he was hooked! Unfortunately, it seems that Martin Lawrence wasn't very keen on two wheels, once filming stopped, he never went near a bike again. Well, he might have done, but it wasn't to ride it.
6. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRMqcxBF4aM[/embed]We see many famous motorbikes in 007 classics, but in this one stands out to us! In Tomorrow Never Dies we see Mr Bond (Pierce Brosnan) on a bike that he whipped up and rode off with through the streets of Vietnam handcuffed to Wai Lin. The bike in question is a BMW R1200C, the crew used 15 of these very bikes throughout the iconic chase scene, unfortunately, however, 12 of them were destroyed during filming. The film definitely differs from the rest; it's not every day you see 2 people in control of a motorbike!
Does Brosnan own a bike? It was said in a 2013 article, that Pierce drove to the set of a film on his own Triumph, however, it's due to his lack of apparent 'skills-behind-the-handlebars', it is unknown as to whether he owns this bike today.
5. Kill Bill Vol.1 (2003)
This is a Quentin Tarintino film, produced by A Band Apart
In the film we see a lot of yellow; in the bike, in the leather, we even see elements of yellow in Thurman's day to day outfits. The movie is set in downtown Tokyo, where we see former assassin knew as The Bride (known to us as Uma Thurman) ride the Kawasaki ZZR 250. This Tarantino classic shows the bride on a mission to hunt down her ex-fiance, and other members of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad who tried to kill her on what was supposed to be her wedding day.
Unfortunately, we can't find any evidence leading to Thurman owning a motorbike. With this being the case, we find it quite unlikely that she does.
4. Mad Max (1979)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovhw-E9gRfU[/embed]George Miller brings us this crazy Australian action-thriller featuring Mad Max & his side-kick Steve Bisley, who plays the role of Jim Goose. Goose is the one with the Motorbike, his ride of choice, is the customised 1977 Kawasaki KZ1000. In the film the duo attempt to track down a vicious biker gang who killed Mad Max's family and children.
What about Steve Bisley; does he own one in real life? Yes! Steve Bisley has biking running through his veins, and he has done ever since he was a boy! In an interview he claimed to have owned various bikes throughout his life, his first being a wartime Harley, however, the bike he's just recently bought is a 2003 BMW K1200LT.
3. Easy Rider (1969)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYGR2BXhGus[/embed]Prior to the Marvel Superheroes consent, critics have nicknamed Peter Fonda's Harley-Davidson Hydra Glide, Captain America, one of the worlds most famous motorbikes! This is due to it's distinctive US flag markings. Fonda plays the role of Wyatt alongside co-star, David Hopper. In the movie, the pair set themselves on a mission to travel from South Carolina. They end up in New Orleans to attend a Mardi Gras festival, only to be greeted by various hiccups in their journey landing them in prison - The stash of cocaine they smuggled in probably didn't help them!
Officially, there are a lot of other bikes in the film with there being a feature of a biker group. It is rumoured that various bike parts and bikes in whole were stolen prior to the end of filming.
Does Fonda own a motorcycle? It is said, that yes he does! During an interview in 2007, Peter Fonda claims he enjoys riding his MV Agusta.
2. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
Remember Schwarzenegger's iconic phrase; "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle"? We do. In the film, the Terminator takes his beast, a 1990 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy FLSTF, out for a spin around the streets in this action-packed classic. If you're visiting Milwaukee, you can go see the bike for yourself! It's in the trusty Harley-Davidson Museum.
Does Mr Schwarzenegger own a bike?
We all know that the Governor likes to ride his Harley through the streets of LA. We're not sure when Schwarzenegger first learnt to ride a bike, we see him first ride a scooter in the original Terminator movie back in 1984. It might surprise you that, Schwarzenegger was actually riding illegally without a license for quite some time! In 2006 he had an incident which alerted the cops, they advised him to get a license, so he did!
1. Top Gun (1986)
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2eoBWZp64s[/embed]This list wouldn't be the world's most famous motorbikes if this one didn't make it on here. Starring Hollywood icon, Mr Tom Cruise. In the scene that made the film's spot on this list, we see Maverick (Cruise) putting his foot down on his 1985 Kawasaki GPZ 900 R to race a jet. He then gets distracted to find his girlfriend Charlotte. Following this they fall out, he then storms off. We then see Charlotte speeding after him, and they fall in love happily ever after once again.
Does Tom Cruise ride motorcycles? Why, yes he does! Along with his 67324 cars in his garage, Cruise is the proud owner of his custom bike, the Hellcat, specially designed by Confederate. Hellcat was constructed with 2.2L v-twin engine and Tom just $65,000.
He also has a Vyrus 987 C3 4V, topping a speed of 337mph with its 1.2l engine. And this isn't all! Cruise also has another bike; this time, a limited edition Ducati 999R.
We Buy Any Bike have also written a feature on 15 Celebrity Bikers!
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16 Mar 2018
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