Preloved, Auto Trader or We Buy Any Bike?
Preloved, Auto Trader or We Buy Any Bike? There are many different bike trader's and online platforms to buy and sell motorbikes, with the selection ever-growing, the choices are endless. Which motorbike trader to choose?!

Established in the UK, Ian Buzer founded the company over 20 years ago. Over time, the business has grown a following of over 6 million users since it first came to fruition in 1998. Buzer created the platform to focus on a site that would allow users to buy and sell without the ability to auction; great for buyers. However, this feature isn’t as loved for sellers; especially bikers who are selling things for a lot of money!
The way that PreLoved differs from other online sales platforms is that it allows you to sell items without the pressure of enduring advertising costs. After just 6 years of establishment, the company was taken over by the popular company, The Hut Group, who own the business to this day.
Auto Trader
Once upon a time (in 1975 to be exact), a man called John Madejski when he came up with the idea of publishing an article dedicated towards adverts for vehicles. 2 years later following his return from a trip to America, Madejski brought the idea to his friends, Paul Gibbons and Peter Taylor, from there, the business was created under the original name of Thames Valley Trader. At first, the whole concept of the magazine was quite vast, with the inclusion of not only automotive vehicles, but houses and planes also, but this didn’t last long.
When the company introduced themselves to The Guardian Media Group, 5 years later in 1982, it was then that the company branched out across the nation. One year later in 1983, the world was introduced to the internet; however, we all know that the internet was quite a slow rising platform, probably for financial reasons. Anyway, flash forward to 1996; this is when Auto Trader officially opened its doors to the online world, providing people with a way of buying and selling vehicles in the comfort of their own home!
It took a mere 17 years for both the published articles and the fast-growing website to work together; however, the team noticed the decline in popularity of the articles and soon decided to call an end to the articles.

we buy any bike!
Other Platforms to Sell Motorbike
Along with these popular websites, there are also various other sites that offer the facility for you to sell a bike online. When most of us access the internet in our spare time, the first point of call is turning to Facebook. This may sound alarm-bells, or it may not. Facebook is actually a website that hosts a market spot for people like us to sell absolutely anything. Like eBay, this social media platform is the biggest of its kind, holding a current user count of over 1.4 billion users a day; Facebook is absolutely rocketing in popularity.
However, launched just over 1 year ago in October 2016. Facebook’s Market Place is not quite as advanced as it seems. With the growing user calculations. The website is still quite a rocky place to go when buying something quite important as a motorbike. When it comes to selling, Facebook is probably a more preferred route. You have to speak to the buyer first-hand prior to actually selling the item. As the platform doesn’t yet provide a system in which you can actually pay for a product. However, with the fact that there are so many people on Facebook. Here at WeBuyAnyBike, we think this is actually a very good advantage.
WeBuyAnyBike vs. Everyone Else!
If you’re wondering how to sell a motorcycle for cash online and are looking into Preloved or Auto Trader... Why not first check out leading independent motorcycle valuation specialist, WeBuyAnyBike?!
Motorbike trader, We Buy Any Bike offer free motorcycle valuations and free nationwide collections. No matter where you are in the UK; are you in England, Scotland, or Wales? Welcome to WeBuyAnyBike, we can collect your bike from you! When using our service you don’t need to worry about listing fees, time wasters, hagglers or a prolonged sale. We give instant payments, cash in hand or bank transfer – whichever you prefer! Sell a motorbike the easy way today!
Once you’ve had a valuation that you’re happy with. All you need to do next is let us know that you’re happy with it by clicking ‘accept’. We can arrange payment and collection. The whole process can be super quick! Just a minimum of 2 days!
Save yourself the hassle of selling online from PreLoved, AutoTrader and eBay, and try WeBuyAnyBike! We pay the most and collect the quickest!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your Motorbike Valuation. Please feel free to contact us on 0345 340 3616, we also have an email address! Should you prefer to contact us that way, you can find us at

10 Sept 2018
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